PIMA (Plastics Industry Manufacturers of Australia) is the industry body representing member organisations and suppliers that process plastics & other polymer material in Australia.
Annual Golf Day 2024
Fri, 03 May
|Bankstown Golf Club
Its on again. The best golf day in the plastics industry.

Time & Location
03 May 2024, 8:00 am
Bankstown Golf Club , 70 Ashford Avenue, Milperra. NSW
About the event
This year we are proud to be teaming up with AMTIL again for our Charity Golf Day. This is a great opportunity for our organisations to bring together it’s members and share a great day of golf.
AMTIL members are welcome to enter as a team or individuals as set out below.
Please organise your own team(s) of 4 but if you can’t organise a team, register yourself & we will try to place you in a team.
Club Rules – no exceptions! Golf shoes are required on course (non-metal & soft spikes) sports shoes, runners/joggers allowed – no touch football or cricket boots. Shirts must have a collar & sleeves. Tailored trousers or shorts. No denim. Dress to be neat & tidy at all times.
Please return the attached registration form by Wednesday 1st May 2024.
As the organisation of a day such as this is a huge job, please help by registering your support early, even if you cannot give player details.This helps us greatly with the running of the day.
Cost: Golf, light lunch, breakfast and drinks
Team of 4 $600.00 including GST (price includes shared electric Cart, weather pending)
Individual $160.00 including GST (price includes shared electric Cart, weather pending)
Prizes for.
On the greens
Drive and Pitch – on the green
Longest drive
1st place team
2nd place team
3rd place team
Winning mixed team
Pat Primmer encouragement award
Other end winning team!
There will be various levels of sponsorship:
Gold Sponsor: Sponsorship $1,500.00 (GST included)
Includes signage (supplied by sponsor) on the cart, a complimentary Hole sponsorship, team of 4 players, 2 electric carts & acknowledgement in the opening speech.
Silver Sponsor: Sponsorship. $ 1,200.00 (GST included)
Includes signage (supplied by sponsor), a complimentary Hole sponsorship, team of 4 players, 2 electric carts & acknowledgement in the opening speech.
Sapphire Sponsor: Sponsorship $ 1,000.00 (GST included)
Includes signage (supplied by sponsor), a complimentary Hole sponsorship, team of 4 players, 2 electric carts & acknowledgement in the opening speech.
Breakfast Sponsor: $ 500.00 (GST included)
Sponsor of pre golf light breakfast.
Lunch Sponsor: $ 500.00 (GST included)
Sponsor of post golf light lunch.
Drink Cart Sponsor: $ 500.00 (GST included)
Sponsor of on course snacks and drinks.
Prize Sponsors: $ 200:00 (GST included)
Sponsorship of a prize.
Or you can provide a prize.
This year’s charity will again be the ‘Children’s Cancer Welfare Service Incorporated’, a registered charity staffed by volunteers (The Late Pat Primmer from PIMA was on this committee) who raise funds to support families affected by children with cancer. All the funds raised by them are distributed through organizations such as Westmead Hospital & Ronald McDonald House to give support to families who have come under financial pressure due to having a child suffering from this disease.
Further details regarding the ‘Children’s Cancer Welfare Service’ can be obtained by visiting their website www.childrenscancerws.org.au